Martina Erlemann

Martina Erlemann

Interdisciplinary Laboratory
Martina Erlemann is researcher in the Working Group Scheich/Science Studies at the physics department of the Freie Universität Berlin since 2012. Her first graduation was a Master in physics from Hamburg University. In 2009, she finished her PhD in sociology on the gendering of physics in public discourses at the Institute for Social Studies of Science at Vienna University. She had research positions at the universities in Vienna, Klagenfurt und Augsburg. In 2011 she has been invited research fellow at the Centre for Gender Research at Uppsala University, Sweden. In 2016 she was appointed the international »Klara Maria Faßbinder – Visiting Professor« for Women’s and Gender Studies at the physics department of the Technical University Kaiserslautern.
Her fields of research and teaching are Science & Technology Studies and Gender Studies. Her current research topics deal with the role of gender and materiality in techno-scientific cultures and research practices.