
Michael Friedman

Interdisciplinary Laboratory
Schwerpunktleitung Active Matter
Interdisciplinary Laboratory

Michael Friedman is a mathematician and scholar of philosophy. He studied philosophy in Israel, concentrating on Lacan and Heidegger; he also studied mathematics, writing his doctoral thesis within the field of Algebraic Geometry. In 2012 he was a post-doctoral member of Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France. 

At the Cluster of Excellence, Michael Friedman is a co-leader of the priority research area Active Matter (together with Karin Krauthausen).  Within the project »Science of Structures and 3-D Code«. He is currently working on the diverse traditions of mathematics of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. In this context, he looks into the material practices of mathematics – among others, haptic models, the mathematics of folding, diagrams as well as hand and digital drawings. Another focus of his research is the various scientific, mathematical and philosophical thought traditions of the 20th and 21st centuries, such as structuralism, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis, formalism, new materialism and active-matter.

Research Fields

Models in mathematics, the history of the mathematization of the fold, Heidegger and his philosophy of language, psychoanalysis and mathematics, the history of the Active Matter.